Saturday, October 24, 2009

Understanding Cosmetic "Claims"

OK. So its hard not to notice all the TV commercials and print ads for cosmetics that claim to improve the tone of your skin or fend off age spots etc. Well, I've done a couple derm. rotations now and i'd like to save somebody some money, or at least make them wiser consumers. Take this foundation for example by clinique, which is called "even better" foundation, SPF 15, evens and corrects. So how exactly does this foundation even and correct? Well usually (well, a properly labeled product) should say on the back what the active ingredient is when they make any sort of claim, such as "even and correct" in this case. If you flip to the back label, you will see Titanium Dioxide as the active ingredient, which is nothing more than a physical sunscreen. It is true that sunscreen over dark spots will help them fade a bit faster but you can save yourself a bunch of $$$ and just put on some sunscreen yourself and not buy said product. Also, most studies show the SPF in cosmetics doesn't really amount to much. Therefore you can "even and correct" infinitely better with a proper drugstore sunscreen. Hope that helped someone. Always check the active ingredients when you read any sort of cosmetic claim!

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