Sunday, November 22, 2009

Easy Last Minute Halloween Costume Ideas (ok cop outs)

1. The Ipod Dancer: This "costume" involves minimal effort and won't require you to expend any $. I wish I could say I thought of this myself, but an ingenious friend of mine actually showed up to a Halloween party two years ago dressed like this. The level of easiness/laziness really impressed me!
All you will need for this costume is:
1. Black Cotton Shirt (the planer the better). Long sleeves probably works better.

2. Black pants or black jeans.

3. Converse Sneakers in Black. Black keds or any other dark colored sneakers work well too.

4. Your Ipod. The white headphones are key! A major plus of this "costume" is that you can listen to your own music if the DJ sucks!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

First Interview

So two days ago I had my first interview for residency. It was an interview for my intern year so it wasn't as stressful as a dermatology interview (I'm guessing). I want to just say a few things about the interview as it was you know my first interview and firsts are kind of important but I don't wan to give anything away so I'll have to be a little vague. So I interviewed with two people, the chief resident and the program director. Both were very nice. I didn't know what to expect and the only thing I really did was that I made sure to smile when I walked in, make good eye contact, and have a firm handshake. I'm a FIRM believer in the firm handshake. (no pun intended ha ha). In my humble opinion, there's nothing worse than meeting someone who doesn't give you a good handshake, and I must say if I was at the other end of the table I would really be unimpressed by a limp handshake. Anyway, what really surprised me was how short both the interviews were. They were both 15 minute interviews, but I swear the first one with the chief resident was more like 5 minutes. He seemed pretty busy and admitted that he hadn't had a chance to look at my file. So when I got the dreaded "Tell me about yourself" question, I really did have to tell him about myself because he knew pretty much nothing. I was pleasantly surprised to find that I didn't really get any hard questions, but I certainly made a couple faux paus, like when I asked the program director if she thought the program was "laid back" and she basically thought I was looking for an easy year and responded by telling me she had very high standards. The chief resident later told me the word I was looking for was "collegial." But you live and you learn. All in all the best part however was meeting the other kids interviewing, with the exception of me and another dude going into radiology, every other applicant was applying for ophthalmology. Everyone was extremely nice and mostly pretty cool. One girl who had already been on a quite a few interviews had even brought a few magazines to keep herself entertained.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Mad Men Season 3 Finale

Honestly, have not seen a better season finale than this one. It left enough excitement for next season, while logically tying up all the lose ends that were building up this through out the season. Loved the ending when Don walks into a new Brown Stone that Joan has found for him. If for some reason you are still not watching this show, I just don't know what else to say! Brilliant to the 10th.