Monday, February 16, 2009

Pediatrics gave me a present: Ringworm

One thing about peds, is that there is a lot of derm. Kids got all sorts of rashes going on. You wouldn't' believe. A couple weeks ago in fact, I saw 3 kiddos with ring worm, and then a few weeks later, i got this itchy patch on my forearm (the same place I had previously scratched when i had a hive- so i think the skin over that part of my arm was kinda raw (ie. the epithelial barrier was broken) which I think set me up for a really awesome present from these super cute kids. Anyway, I just started treating it with an anti-fungal cream. So hopefully that's what it is. And hopefully some time in the future I can conveniently run into a dermatologist in the hospital and ask for an opinion. Anyway- can you believe the nerve of these kiddos- giving me such a crummy present for taking care of em so well? No good deed goes unpunished indeed. And yes for the record, I did wash my hands and follow all the precautions.
p.s.- that's not my arm in the picture, i didn't really have a red ring like that- and thus still haven't figured out exactly what it is.
UPDATE- I think it may have just been a patch of eczema. The antifungal cream didn't seem to help at all even after 2 weeks, went away on its own in about 6 months. The mystery remains...