Saturday, September 13, 2008

new face wash

am going to start using a new face wash starting first thing tomorrow morning. i had heard good things about this product through the grapevine and the thing that really got me willing enough to try it was the fact that it contains quite a large percentage of benzoyl peroxide (an antibacterial and skin peeling agent).
will report back on how well I think its actually working.

UPDATE: after one week of use, using every other day until my skin gets used to it, appears to be working. also found out that certain dermatologists actually recommend this very product to be used in conjunction with something like Retin-A-micro.
UPDATE #2: while this product does work really well. I couldn't help but feel like it really really dried my skin out, especially in the winter. After sticking it out for a couple months, I switched to a 5% benzoyl peroxide gel that I apply to problem areas after washing my face with a mild cleanser. I find this works better for me. For someone with mild acne, who is looking for a quick regimen with normal (non-sensitive) skin, this product will work really well. For someone with drier or more sensetive skin, a regular spot application of 2.5% benzoyl peroxide would probably work better. You can find this easily in any grocery store or drug store. Usually sells for less than $3 and will last you at least six months.


I'm two weeks into my general surgery rotation now. Its a lot of blood and guts let me tell you folks : not nearly as exciting as Grey's Anatomy. In fact its really just a lot of standing and retracting and looking stupid when the surgeon suddenly asks you a question and you don't have a clue about whats going on.
What's a retractor? Its the thing in the picture. A metal device that pulls the flesh away so a surgeon can see better. And yes, I basically just hold that for hours at a time.